Friday, 13 May 2011

First Post!

Been meaning to start a blog for ever now. Finally have some time to myself so I'm getting on with it. It's been a new years resolution of mine for a few years now.

I'm 23. And I'm a massive geek. I play DnD, and all manner of tabletop games. Not so big on the video games though. I also do reenactments and I LARP on occasion.

Oddly I'm also a fitness junkie and happily involved.

So much for preconceptions.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand why people take the piss out of gamers. And believe me, on occasion its more than warranted. Anyone wanting a quick laugh can YouTube "lightning bolt" and see some complete idiots. Like any social clique, some people take it too far.

Still most gamers I know are fairly successful, and not a single one lives in his mothers basement! Hell, I can only name one or two overweight gamers in my local area. Most of us are in pretty good shape. A lot of the reenactors are in amazing shape, carrying around that much metal all day and fighting in it tends to keep you trim.
Still, gamers seem to get a bad rep from most nearly everyone these days. Despite the fact that nearly everyone has a games console of some kind.

I think the biggest problem is that you can't tell people about RPGs or LARPing without it sounding silly. The only decent way I've found to do it is to get people to come along and TRY it. While nearly everyone will laugh at the idea of dressing up and pretending it's still the middle ages, I have never met anyone who didn't enjoy it immensely once they have been dragged along. Gamers, on the whole, are one of the most welcoming groups out there, and most groups will bend over backwards making sure that people enjoy themselves.

This could rapidly turn into a massive rant about people unfairly treating other people but meh. Bottom line. Don't judge anyone based on something you've seen on YouTube, or aren't willing to try yourself.

For anyone still reading this well done! I'm not sure why you're still here, or where I'm going to go with this blog, but I guess we shall see hmmm?

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