Sunday, 15 May 2011

Airsofting goodness!

So today im going to shamelessly plug Protocol Seven.
An airsoft game run by some of my mates.

Set in 2016 the basic backstory is that at the 2012 Olymipcs a fundamental Christian group, the children of the end, hijacked and crashed a train into a station in London. Medical teams from all of the attending nations came together to help out. Unfortunately this symbol of international cooperation was marred by the violence that broke out a few days later. The Olymipcs were cancelled amid a spate of violent attacks in the Olymipic Village.

It wasn't until the clean up a couple of weeks later that the broken vials were found in the wreckage of the train. By then it was too late, the infection had spread across the globe.

Those infected gradually became more and more animalistic, Untill all that remained was a desire to eat. Not zombies in the traditional sense. They could reason, plot and communicate, enough to function in packs, hunting for living things to consume.

The survivors were rescued by the GT, the Guild of Transport, as they became known, and taken to the citadel, a walled refuge where the remaining population, roughly 8000 in total, hid.

Roll on 2016 and the inevitable fall of the Citadel. Taken by APC in panic to the semi ruined safe zone of Tuddinham, about 40 of the survivors emerge and begin exploring the settlement. A rough collection of prefabs surrounded by a minefield.

Enough backstory already! It's on the website if you want to go read it.

It was an amazing weekend. Arriving on site in the pitch black to find our supposedly safe new home overrun by infected. Incredibly short on ammo and basic supplies clearing the buildings room by room was a nail biting affair, and disposing of the bodies in the dark was not easy, or safe.

The games team are trying to make the plot as open as possible, so very few prewritten plot lines, as much player generated content as possible. it's interesting not waiting around to see what the next encounter is going to be. But actually just trying to survive while everyone else tries to stuff you. Various blog posts in the future will probably relate some of the story lines from my point of view.

It was an amazing first event, well worth a look if you fancy your chances against the infected hordes and the rest of the players.

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